Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011


In Islam there is no painting. Although Muslims are now starting to like painting, but is actually an expression of Islamic art in architecture. Since then the Muslims are very excellent in the field of Architecture. So beautiful, beautiful Borobudur or Prambanan, but the color is the color of the stone, the color gray. No color games there. Unlike the buildings of the Muslims who wear the color as part of the aesthetic sense. Everyone will say that as beautiful-beautiful buildings on earth, until now, is the Taj Mahal. In addition to the form and sophistication in arabesknya calligraphy and painting, color games are also used. White color mixed with the environment on the banks of the river spread extraordinary beauty, and during the full moon became a very stunning scenery. Unfortunately now there is pollution from factory chimneys so the color began to blur. In addition to the Taj Mahal, the game-besides the beauty of the color-shape is also very visible on the buildings of mosques in Iran, al-Hamra palace in Granada, or mosque Cordova.
Concepts about beauty of the Koran, for example, about heaven, very inspiring. The depiction of the Qur'an that heaven was water flowing under it, used as a source of inspiration for beauty. Then in front of the building the Taj Mahal, for example, there is a long pond that actually inspired by the Koran. Because in this pool there are water fountains and so on, which may be too expensive to be shown of all time, so now only in certain times of the fountains turned on. That is the element of sense of beauty as the descriptions of paradise (in which flows the river [Q. 2: 25, 266, etc.]). Making the river as part of a high element of beauty, must consider the environmental context of cultural factors. Because the Arabs when he received the Qur'an of his life in the desert is, of course, there is no river, then the desire to water, rivers, gardens, parks, and the like, very high. No wonder when the Arabs began to have the ability to express a sense of beauty, they refer to things that are something like heaven. In the Al-Hamra (Spain), for example, garden or park was magnificent, in which the components of water are used as architectural elements are adapted from the descriptions of paradise in the Qur'an.
1. Frank Lloyd Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright adalah nama yang sangat akrab di dunia ilmu arsitektur, karena beliau sudah menyumbangkan banyak pemikiran-pemikiran jeniusnya di dalam ilmu arsitektur dan sampai sekarang asih banyak dijadikan panutan dalam merancang obyek arsitektur.
Frank L. Wright
Frank Lloyd Wright (8 Juni 1867 – 9 April 1959) adalah seorang arsitek terkenal dari awal tahun 1900-an. Rumahnya terkenal dengan julukanRobbie House, yang tata ruangnya seperti jaringan jalan yang ruwet dan jendela kaca bernoda geometris. Informasi rumah itu bisa didapatkan dalam buku The Wright 3 karya Blue Balliet. Frank Lloyd Wright memegang jimat khusus dalam bentuk ikan Jepang nefrit.
Karya : Frederick Robie House, the Avery dan Queene Coonley House, Falling Water
2. Le Corbusier
Yang sering menjadi bahan materi kuliah saya, Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut atau gereja notredame, sebuah studi kasus menarik tentang analogi arsitektur, tentu saja karena perancangnya yang sangat terkenal, yakni Le Corbusier (namun saya dan teman-teman lebih senang memanggilnya “om Corbu”, haha)
Charles-Edouard Jeanneret, yang dikenal dengan sebutan Le Corbusier (October 6, 1887 – August 27, 1965), adalah seorang arsitek dan penulis kelahiran Perancis-Swiss, yang sangat terkenal karena kontribusinya pada modernisme atau international-style.
Le Corbusier adalah seorang ahli dalam teori-teori desain modern dan beliau sangat berdedikasi dalam menghasilkan kehidupan yang lebih baik pada kota dan tempat tinggal yang cukup padat. Kariernya berjalan selama lima decade dengan begitu banyak bangunan yang telah dibangun tersebar di sepanjang Eropa, India, Rusia, dan dua di Amerika. Ia juga seorang perancang kawasan, pelukis, pematung, penulis, dan perancang modern furniture.

Ia mengembangkan serangkaian gaya yang amat bersifat perorangan, mempengaruhi rancang bangunan di seluruh dunia, dan hingga saat ini masih merupakan arsitek terkenal dari Amerika Serikat.
Karya : Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut, Villa Savoye
3. Zaha Hadid
Arsitek Wanita Terkenal yang berani, julukan Zaha Hadid sebagai tonggak eksistensi desain-desain futuristik dan menggabungkannya dengan teknologi mambuat namanya akan terus dikenang di sepanjang masa di dunia arsitektur, latar belakangnya yang seorang ahli matematika membuat dia berani mebuat desain-desain ekstrim yang sampai saat ini kita sebut ” Arsitektur Dekonstruksi”.
Zaha Hadid lahir pada tahun 1950 di Baghdad, Irak. Dia telah menjadi salah satu arsitek paling terkenal di dunia.
Bangunannya pernah  dinominasikan untuk Penghargaan bergengsi termasuk MAXXI (2010), Stasiun Kereta Api Kabel Nordpark (2008), Phaeno Science Centre (2006) dan BMW Central Building (2005).
gaya desain dari seorang Zaha Hadid bisa disebut desain yang berani, kontempror, organik, inovatif. menggunakan teknologi dengan material yang jauh dari kata ‘biasa’.
Karya : Zaragoza Bridge Pavilion, BMW Central Building, MAXXI (Museum Of XXI Century Arts)
4. Frank Owen Gehry
Frank Owen Gehry, (nama lahir Ephraim Owen Goldberg di Toronto, Ontario pada 28 Februari 1929) adalah seorang arsitek berkewarganegaraan ganda Amerika Serikat dan Kanada. Pemenang Penghargaan Pritzker tahun 1989.
Gehry dikenal akan pendekatan ukiran ke desain bangunan dan untuk membangun struktur yang berkurva, dan seringkali dibungkus dengan logam yang mengkilat. Gedung yang dirancangnya, termasuk tempat tinggal pribadinya di Santa Monica, California, telah menjadi atraksi wisatawan. Banyak museum, perusahaan, dan kota mencari jasa Gehry sebagai simbol pembedaan, untuk segala produk yang dibuatnya.

(sumber :
Pada tahun 1947, Frank pindah ke California, bekerja sebagai supir truk barang sambil kuliah di Los Angeles City College, dan akhirnya lulus dari Sekolah Arsitektur Universitas Southern California
Setelah lulus pada tahun 1954, Frank tidak langsung bekerja di bidang arsitektur, melainkan bekerja di sejumlah tempat yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan arsitektur, termasuk menjadi anggota militer Amerika Serikat. Frank sempat belajar tata kota di Harvard Graduate School of Design, namun berhenti sebelum lulus. Setelah itu, Frank menikah dengan Anita Snyder, dan mengganti namanya dari Frank Goldberg menjadi Frank Gehry. Setelah bercerai dengan Snyder pada tahun 1960-an, Gehry menikah dengan Berta, istrinya yang sekarang. Dari perkawinan pertamanya, Gehry mendapat dua orang anak perempuan, sedangkan dua orang anak laki-laki didapatnya dari perkawinan kedua.
Sebagai orang yang dibesarkan di Kanada, Gehry adalah penggemar berat olahraga hoki hingga sampai mendirikan liga hoki di kantornya. PialaKejuaraan Dunia Hoki merupakan hasil desainnya pada tahun 2004.
Karya : Museum Guggenheim, Dancing House, Aula Konser Walt Disney

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Amazing architecture works

At present the beauty of an architectural masterpiece not only seen from the shape and size. Many buildings, airports, railway stations, tunnels, highways, vehicles, ships and planes are made with high technology and amazing design and size. Perhaps one form of Road Under Water Above is one of the works that take into account the technology and benefits.

But the bridge link between Denmark and Sweden State is one of the great work. Where most lembatan under the sea to allow ships to pass over it.

Strategies 10 Tips To Sell Houses Faster Code

1 Make Over homeThe first step should be done is to do a thorough cleaning in every corner of the house, as well as to check on his condition. If any part of the house that needs improvement, do minor repairs. It's good when you do the painting home and replace it with colors that are currently the trend. If necessary, do a "make over" in order to display the house looks new. Most of the buyers (of course not a broker / buy a house for sale anymore) would want to buy a house that was "ready for habitation," not home "ready to be fixed".

tide striking writing boardNext, attach the front of the house, a sign that read "HOUSE FOR SALE 'or' HOME FOR SALE WITHOUT TRANSITIONAL 'sizes and colors that stand out so it's easy to read people. Do not forget to include a phone number so that people can more easily contact you. If you want to sell your home directly, better choose the option of writing a second so you do not need to waste time to meet with a broker / realtor

type of architectural design

Architectural Design is an important part of the service architecture should require all types of buildings. All parts of the house or office should be decorated and maintained accurately. In the past people spend a lot of money to decorate their homes as technologies such as architectural designs are not available, but at this point by looking at building your home on your computer, you can build it at reduced cost. This is because the architectural design to avoid re-occurrence.
Architectural design can be described in 5 different types. Let's get a brief information of all kinds.
Custom House Operator Design:
It involves many things, including lighting, ventilation, plumbing and electricity. Custom home plan showing the position of doors, windows, stairs, balconies, interior and exterior elevation and more. It also includes site plan, foundation plan, floor plans, roof plans and plans for other buildings. It can be applied to various types of buildings such as villas, apartments single, multi-storied buildings and commercial buildings.